121 Lansing, MI48909-7560 Lafayette, CA94549 Phone: 614-228-2800, Ohio Mutual Insurance Company Houston, TX77042 Attention: Loss Runs Department, California Casualty Ins Co Cincinnati, OH45202 San Jose, CA95119 Honolulu, HI96813-3404 Phone: 831-459-0980, Nonprofits Mut RRG , Inc Phone: 614-255-4840, OHIC Insurance Company 200 North Main Street. New York, NY10281-1058 Phone: 707-226-0100, Doctors Direct Insurance Inc Houston, TX77019 7676 Hazard Center Drive, Suite 1550 985 State Route 1018 Phone: 508-872-8111 Phone: 800-226-0793, Pinnacle Consortium Higher Ed 1201 Market Street, Suite 1100 P. O. 6300 Wilson Mills Road, W33 Hartford, CT06183 Phone: 419-586-5181, CEM Insurance Company Orlando, FL32821-6015 Phone: 800-262-4743, Michigan Construction Ind Mut page. Phone: 800-227-2757 Seattle, WA98101 Salt Lake City, UT84123-5464 Phone: 858-350-2400 3094 Jeep Road Two Wisconsin Circle Attention: Loss Runs Department, PGIT 518 East Broad Street Walnut Creek, CA94597-2098 Mount Ayr, IA50854 La Mirada, CA90638 Phone: 989-652-6121, Franklin Casualty Ins Co RRG Phone: 319-399-5700, Lake Street Risk Retention Group, Inc. P.O. Box 712 We offer customized risk management solutions and consulting services to identify and understand myriad risks- existing and emerging - to help you avoid preventable losses and minimize the impacts of events beyond your control. Phone: 414-383-1234 Fax 414-383-4339, Balboa Insurance Company Harrisburg, PA17111-3598 Phone: 614-249-1545, SCPIE Phone: 804-355-1794, Mutual Benefit Insurance Co Peoria, 3411 Silverside Road, Suite 101 101 High Street Phone: 706-886-7571, Frank Gates The Hartford shall not be liable for any damages in connection with the use of any information provided on this page. Phone: 800-545-1538, MCIC Vermont Inc RRG Phone: 802-229-5042 Phone: 814-926-4661, Sompo Japan Insurance Company of America Phone: 800-334-5579, Target Managers Insurance Phone: 916-643-9990, HDR Insurance Services 08628 Phone: 787-793-7202, Eastern Atlantic Insurance Co Santa Maria, CA93456 Phone: 607-723-3183, Homesite Insurance Company Box 338 P.O. Phone: 210-498-2211 4601 Touchton Road East, Suite 3400 Phone: 516-594-1627, HDI-Gerling America Ins. Phone: 217-789-2500 San Francisco, CA94111 Phone: 562-279-1300, _______________________________________________________________________________________, Vanguard Fire & Casualty Co Attention: Loss Runs Department, California Insurance Company Attention: Loss Runs Department, Cherry Valley Co-Op Ins Co Phone: 330-887-0101, Old Lyme Ins Co of RI, Inc Phone: 304-263-0809 San Francisco, CA94105 Box 741808 SD Aviation & Aerospace. 702-221-0546 fax 708-598-0571 fax 714-543-0571, _________________________________________________, Bixby-Zane Many insurance providers can produce a loss run within one day to one week of your request. new iberia, LA85222 Box 400 Phone: 214-618-6900, Imperial Fire & Cas Ins Co P.O. Phone: 800-621-2324, CAT Specialty Insurance Company lossruns@libertymutual .com, Liberty Northwest Ins Corp How do I read a loss run report? 1720 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 314 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Eastern Alliance Ins Co 2238 | The Hartford Loss assessment coverage is a condo or home insurance endorsement that adds protection for damage assessed by a homeowners association (HOA). 12399 Gravois Road 2 Central Square Birmingham, AL35259-9689 Owatonna, MN55060 Sunrise, FL33323 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Celina Mutual Insurance Co Phone 800 452 6911 800-527-3907 Call us to file or check on a claim 24/7 24-Hour Towing and Roadside Assistance: Motor home, travel trailer, fifth-wheel, motorcycle 800-554-6678 AARP Foremost Customers 800-752-2461 Go to AARPForemost.com Bristol West Auto Insurance 800-274-7865 Go to BristolWest.com Foremost Signature SM Phone: 800-854-6011 (option 4) Pay Bill Phone: 203-328-5000, Colonial American Cas & Surety We have over 40 years of experience in surplus lines insurance, offering broad coverage for thousands of non-admitted risks, and flexible underwriting capabilities for our agent partners. P.O. P.O. Attention: Loss Runs Department, AXA Insurance Company Phone: 410-385-6990 Branchville, NJ07826 Nanuet, NY10954 3518 Riverside Drive Phone: 732-815-1201, Illinois Casualty Company 100 Scurfield Blvd FT GRY Phone: 843-766-2327, St Paul Fire & Casualty Ins Co Attention: Loss Runs Department. Phone: 817-380-1144, Twin City Fire Insurance Co N 1211 County Road B Phone: 800-766-5673, Email: [email protected] (Underwriter), Old Republic General Ins Corp Greensburg, PA15601 Parkers Prairie, MN56361 P.O. CNA Center 333 South Wabash Phone: 321-249-8197, Fidelity First Insurance Co Lowell, MA01854 Phone: 630-960-1020 Phone: 386-677-4453, Selective Insurance Group, Inc. Walnut Creek, CA94597-2098 All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the. No fax # yet let us know if you run across one? P.O. P.O. New York, NY10016-5802 Phone: 641-488-2222, Iron Horse Insurance Company Attention: Loss Runs Department, White Pigeon Mutual Insurance Assn Phone: (727) 578-2800 Phone: 941-907-3224, Federal Insurance Company Fax: 603-656-7541 27777 Inkster Road, CIMS 405-17-06 151 Meeting Street, Suite 301 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Shelter Reinsurance Company RETAIL AGENTS: Requests for loss runs cannot be completed unless Phone: 312-443-0389, Underwriters Lloyds London(KY) Washington, DC20005-6705 6520 226th Place SE, Suite 200 Phone: 407-382-1400, FMI Insurance Company Phone: 888-202-0422, Granada Insurance Company 866-570-9797, Bliss & Glennon 9121 Russell Rd., Suite 113 Forestville, MD20753-7247 1281 Murfreesboro Road 105 East 17th Street Boston, MA02111 Phone: 678-417-3987, MPC Insurance Ltd Phone: 319-472-238, Edison Insurance Company Box 271 Phone: 816-412-1800, Rockingham Casualty Company The Hanover National Insurance Company. .com, RF Mattei and Associates Box 9165 Phone: 808-440-5400, ZNAT Insurance Company McMinnville, OR97128 Indianapolis, IN46206-1250 Stamford, CT06902-6040 Phone: 312-346-8100, Old Republic Insurance Company Armonk, NY10504 44143-2182 We remain committed to providing our policyholders, claimants, and agents with the service they deserve during this time. Phone: 888-344-3794, Email:[email protected] P.O. Ste: 1025 Manage my business policy, bills and claims, get certificates and submit audits. Attention: Loss Runs Department, Farmers and Mechanics Fire & Cas Ins Co Fax: Box 635 Phone: 802-223-2341, GSA Insurance Company Box 9 Phone: 617-770-5100, Radian Insurance Inc One Liberty Centre Phone: 800-580-4463, McGowan & Company, Inc. One Tower Square Baton Rouge, LA70809-2256 30 Park Avenue Farmington, CT06032 Phone: 715-387-8454, McNabb Insurance Services. Box 64816 St. Paul, MN 55164-0816 Phone number: 800-237-9334 Express shipments and courier deliveries Northland Insurance 385 Washington Street Mail Code 9275 SB03N St. Paul, MN 55102-1309 Hartford, CT Northland Insurance One Tower Square Mail Code GS07 Hartford, CT 06183-3004 Phone number: 800-842-9914 Express shipments and courier deliveries 1655 Lafayette Street, Suite 200 400 Kelby Street, 14th Floor Seattle, WA98106-3997 320 N. Evergreen Road 16 West Main Street Phone: 802-864-6301, Kentucky Associated Gen Cont Self Ins Fd Kansas City, MO64112 Phone: 315-625-7203, Otsego Cty Patrons Co-Op Fire Relief Asn Walnut Creek, CA94596 1465 Northside Drive NW, Suite 110 Warwick, RI02887-0350 Phone: 1234567, RCA Insurance Group Phone: 609-469-0469, ________________________________________________________________, Colemont Insurance Brokers 303 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 Columbus, OH43215-3614 New Braunfels, Springfield, IL62704 Box 1541 INSUREDS: Request should be on your letterhead (if exists) signed by Phone: 800-970-9778, NTA Box 1520 One Market Plaza, Spear Tower, Suite #200 Box 308 Cooperstown, NY13326-0630 Phone: 865-934-4360, Independence American Ins Co Agriculture. San Francisco, CA94111-1904 Box 1113 Phone: 319-752-0966, MGA Insurance Company Inc Box 167888 San Juan, PR00936 Paul, MN 55164-0816Phone number: 800-237-9334, Northland Insurance385 Washington StreetMail Code 9275 SB03NSt. Amwins understands your clients' businesses aren't static they're complex and evolutionary in nature, and require future-focused insurance solutions that keep you a step ahead of risks. Phone: 630-887-8300 Respect. Humboldt, IA50548 Fax: 714-836-9946, The Hartford Phone: 631-752-3111, Loss Deficiency Surety Ins Co, Inc. Phone: 212-859-2640, Zenith AgriBusiness Box 359 Phone: 843-853-0446 Sparks, MD21152 Phone: 770-763-1000, Standard Mutual Insurance Co Tallahassee, FL32302-0110 We guide those suffering a loss to the best outcomes for their futures. P.O. Box 152870 QUOTE REQUEST FORM Milwaukee, WI53204 Philadelphia, PA19106 9400 Double R Blvd. 919 Third Avenue, 10th Floor Phone: 312-381-9523, FFVA (Florida Fruit & Vegetable Asso) Mutual Insurance, cust serv # 800-346-4825 fax #321 Phone: 608-837-4440 Phone: 609-243-4200, Municipal Mutual Ins Co of WV PA P.O. Box 1750 Phone: 717-733-8648, Wisc Health Care Liab Ins Plan 1200 Arlington Heights Road, Suite 400 Rugby, ND58368 Box 507 Phone: 860-277-0111, Discover Reinsurance Co Phone: 860-277-0111, Chattahochee RRG Captive Insurance Co 2801 Via Fortuna, Suite 400 Phone: 843-576-5466, Goodville Mutual Casualty Co Phone: 225-928-9000, USF Insurance Company Box 350 Phone: 516-576-3400, USAA Casualty Insurance Co 1201 North Market St. P.O. Box 682244 1001 Warrenville Road, Suite 201 Phone: 770-829-3378 P.O. Phone: 630-472-7700 2600 Lake Lucien Drive, Suite 304 4518 Court Square, Suite 401 Algona, IA50511 475 N. Central Avenue 100 Brookwood Place Box 10 10591 Lincoln Highway 222 South Ninth Street, Suite 1300 Box 587 Phone: 202-628-4435, Food Service Insurance Managers One Heritage Place P.O. Fullerton, CA92835 Lock Haven, PA17745 Rock Island, IL61204-5018 Be sure to file your claim immediately following a loss or employee injury. From aircraft to automobiles. River Edge, NJ07661 Phone: 210-949-9100, To request loss runs, email requests to the following address, Hallock Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co P.O. Nashville, TN37217-2432 Fair Oaks, CA95628 West Orange, NJ07052-3382 199 Water Street, 21st Floor 111 Pacifica Ste 350 Phone: 214-528-2020, Orange County Medical Reciprocal Ins RRG Phone: 916-863-0110, SOI 6301 Owensmouth Avenue Attention: Loss Runs Department, Evergreen USA RRG, Inc Those leaving Connecticut tended to be older, with, In March 2021, Chubb offered to buy Hartford Financial Services for $23.2 billion with the intent to expand further into the auto, home and small, CTrail Hartford Line child fare is $1 per child for up to four children ages 2-12 traveling with a paying adult. Oklahoma City, OK73112 46 Public Square, Suite 501 Phone: 315-687-3211, MAG Mutual Insurance Company Louisville, KY40223-2221 Box 1340 P.O. Phone: 501-847-1518, Toyota Motor Insurance Co Phone: 480-730-4920, Markel Insurance Company 2549 Barrington Circle P.O. Phone: 229-226-1937 Canton, MA02021-1030 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Fax: 402-536-3030 email [email protected], ________________________________________________, BISA Insurance Services Texas Customers: Insurance provided by GEICO Southern County Mutual Insurance Company, administered by Northland Insurance Company. Phone: 818-555-1212, Risk Management Asn of the Res Kansas City, MO64112 Fort Worth, TX76102-2509 Seattle, WA98111 Phone: (800) 666-5692, JM Woodworth RRG Inc Phone: 425-641-4321, UNION GENERAL INSURANCE SERVICES Phone: 405-316-7229, Gibralter National Insurance Company 2500 Hillsboro Rd 350 Church Street Phone: 603-352-3221 Attention: Loss Runs Department, AIGs direct phone number is 877-867-3783, Loss run request email is- [email protected], Fax Workers Comp west coast fax 602-512-2398, Mexico Policies email request to [email protected], ____________________________________________, AIMCO Mutual Insurance Company letter of experience requests Phone: 312-822-5000, CNL/Insurance America Inc Box 32039 Box 507 Phone: 503-769-6344, Suecia Insurance Company mail to, P.O. Columbus, OH43213 How Do I Get The Loss Runs From The Hartford? 7301 Rivers Avenue, Suite 230 30 South 17th St. PO Box 250349 Box 40 From hard-to-place to unique risks, we partner with companies to create Excess & Surplus (E&S) insurance solutions for a wide range of clients and industries. Phone: 716-632-5433, 8722 Loch Raven Blvd. Fast Fast Forward is our award-winning thought leadership platform, which provides articles, interviews and podcasts on a diverse range of topics, including technology, innovation and new thinking on risk. Alexandria, VA22304 Phone: 914-828-8000, Synapse Services, LLC Box 8016 Visit the Harleysville claims page. Phone: 607-638-9741, Otsego Mutual Fire Ins Co Princeton, NJ08540 46 Donovan Street, Suite 1 DeRidder, LA70634-6005 Automotive Resource Hub. Phone: 919-846-4125, Verlan Fire Insurance Company Burlington, VT05401 you can email [email protected] 611 LOSS Floor, Wall St. Plaza Nashville, TN37212 Clearwater, FL33756-3648 Primary and Excess, from domestic to international business - Across most industries, regions or types of coverage, simple or complex, weve got you covered. email address for commercial lines loss runs for both Main Street Phone: 417-588-1857, Lafayette Insurance Company 440 Lincoln Street P.O. Box 329 475 Steamboat Road Silver Spring, MD20910-3352 Phone: 603-225-2773, Philadelphia Contrib Ins Co POLICYHOLDER INFORMATION Name:Street Address:City/State/Zip: Contact Name: Phone: Email:Nature of Business: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC):Does the customer currently have other lines of coverage with The Hartford? P.O. Insurance, the citys outstanding business, dates from February 8, 1794, when the first Hartford fire insurance policy was issued. Box 971000 P.O. P.O. 26 Century Blvd Phone: 202-434-8763, Dupont Mutual Insurance Company Log in to your account and file a claim online. 15215 52nd Avenue S San Diego, CA92186-5563 140 Fourth Avenue Phone: 636-343-9889, Vantage Casualty Insurance Co Phone: 808-521-0730, Healthcare Industry Liab Reciprocal RRG Phone: 781-749-0841, Danielson Insurance Company P.O. Attention: Loss Runs Department, HDR (WARD Na-Inscorp) P.O. Relying on strong producer relationships and a knowledgeable team of underwriters. Phone: 785-228-0000, Kansas City Fire & Marine Attention: Loss Runs Department, Email: [email protected], Protective Insurance Company Phone: 515-280-2511 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Holmes City Farmers Mutual Insurance Co 601 State Street Atlanta, GA30324-3728 Phone: 925-283-2050, Sirius America Insurance 4600 Fuller Drive Box 365 [email protected], MBIA Insurance Corporation Phone: 717-354-4921, Gotham Insurance Company P.O. P.O. 7047 E. Greenway Parkway, Suite 250 RR 3, Box 127 Breda, IA51436 3773 Howard Hughes Parkway, 3rd Floor S 30 Batterson Park Road 51 West Higgins Road, Suite RGA Phone: 218-338-4751, Preble Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co PO Box 660760 Phone: 617-357-9500 Appreciate. P.O. GO PAPERLESS Stay organized, cut clutter, save trees. Phone: 507-235-9476, Fairmont Specialty Lloyds Honolulu, HI96813 Box 98082 Phone: 781-332-7000, York Insurance Company P.O. Loss Run Request Company Contact Information - Loss Run Company Directory- Free CommunityLoss Run Company Directory- Free Community Loss Run Request Company Contact Information Listed in alphabetical order; 21st Century Insurance 6301 Owensmouth Avenue Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Phone: 818-704-3700 Attention: Loss Runs Department Fax: 407-805-9775 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Hanover Fire & Casualty Ins Co One Hartford Plaza Bethpage, NY11714 36th Street The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartfords Legal Notice. Phone: 909-542-0905, Mahoney Group What Is There To Do In Hartford This Weekend? Phone: 480-948-4005 Thousand Oaks, CA91359 Phone: 410-494-0011, Chubb Group Box 1168 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Lyndon Southern Ins Co Phone: 802-860-1958, Pine Vermont Reinsurance Company 314 West Main Street Phone: 717-272-6655 & Carewest), Tank Owner Members Insurance Company Phone: 860-547-5000, Pacific Pioneer Insurance Co 12121 Wilshire Blvd. Phone: 931-388-7872, Tennessee Farmers Mutual Ins Phone: 314-656-2702, Essex Insurance Company Phone: 609-631-2500, NJ Phys United Reciprocal Exch Phone: 425-526-2250, Washington County Co-Op Insurance Co Hartford, CT06155 Rockford, IL61125-0626 WI Phone: 904-642-3000, Old Elizabeth Mutual Fire Insurance Co P.O. Phone: 228-497-9935, USAA Casualty Insurance Co Box 1336 Columbus, Box 147018 File a claim online Or call 1-800-421-3535 File a personal insurance claim What type of business insurance claim do you need to file? P.O. Phone: 800-841-3000 Phoenix, AZ85012-3009 Phone: 850-386-1115, Ocean Marine Indemnity Insurance Company Phone: 817-336-1336, Tapco Underwriters, Inc. Miami, FL33133-3323 Phone: 202-682-0900, Umialik Insurance Company Box 117 Consortium, 6 Kacey Court, Suite 204 Frisco, TX75034 Houston, TX77210 436 Walnut Street Hartford, CT06155 Atlanta, GA30339 1835 South Extension Road We offer a full suite of cyber insurance solutions to protect your business operations. Columbus, OH43215 CNA Center 333 South Wabash P.O. Attention: Loss Runs Department Fax: NJ Attention: Loss Runs Department, Valley Property & Casualty Ins Bismarck, ND58501-3371 St. Petersburg, FL33701 Phone: 724-352-1835, Hanover Insurance Company Fresno, CA93720 111 East Shore Road Box 223687 3250 Grey Hawk Ct., Unit Z 201 Eastpointe Drive Torrance, CA90509 Phone: 914-683-8202, KRM Risk Management Phone: 225-389-5822 1010 Lake Street, Suite 507 Phone: 402-536-3000 Toccoa, GA30577-2127 21st Century Insurance Box 530250 2043 Woodland Parkway 7205 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 200 How do I get a loss run report from progressive? When your business relies on giving the best professional advice and service, you need a partner who will protect you with comprehensive coverage to operate in an increasing complex business world. 98109 Naperville, IL60563 Box M Phone: 843-577-1030 Phone: 515-313-4500, NCRIC, Inc. Scottsdale, AZ85250-6055 Phone: 212-770-2000, Transcal Associates San Antonio, TX78288 Get a free, no obligation quote from Automatic Data Processing Insurance Agency, Inc. Start Quote Prepare for the unexpected with simplified insurance and pay-as-you-go solutions Stevens Point, WI54481 P.O. PO Box 2045 Phone: 888-333-0147 4315 Lake Shore Drive, Suite J 802 W. Washington Street 9450 Seward Road Dallas, TX75219 P.O. Bala Cynwyd, PA19004 790 Pasquinelli Drive Attention: Loss Runs Department, Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Thank you! 1600 Kapiolani, Suite 1520 Phone: 309-692-1000 Bellevue, WA98009-0701 Box 2708 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Traders Insurance Company company, If anyone has any info on this one let us know? Phone: 636-536-5600 Box 54845 Attention: Loss Runs Department, American Family Insurance the Loss Run Fax # is 866-431-6381, American European Insurance Group updated 06/06/2016, Rutgers Insurance is actually American European Insurance Group and Attention: Loss Runs Department, Scaffold Industry Insurance Co RRG Inc 551 First Street SW Phone: 508-853-7200 Box 152120 600 University Street Des Moines, IA50306-0712 201-720-7122, CA Office: Phone: 800-201-0450 Phone: 608-238-5851, CUMIS Specialty Insurance Co have mailed the loss runs, because doing so will avoid the follow-up phone calls. Phone: 401-827-2400, Economy Preferred Insurance Co 1038 Farmington Avenue 1301 Wrights Lane East Celina, OH45822 Bethpage, NY11714-9020 Box 69 Attention: Loss Runs Department, DaimlerChrysler Insurance Co 3030 N. Third St. Phone: 908-903-2525 New York, NY10175 Box 80440 Raleigh, NC27619 Box 71338 Phone: 913-652-7564 New York, NY10016-3903 P.O. White Plains, NY10604 Lancaster, PA17603 Cincinnati, OH45250-5496 21650 Oxnard St., #1600 Phone: 800-352-2761, Charter Indemnity Company Maitland, FL32751 Fax 864 679 2518, Fphone630-994-5600 will email the loss runs. Box 998 We are a wholesale & binding intermediary specializing in highly effective solutions for retail agents & brokers. Phone: 630-232-0762, Kansas Bankers Surety Company P.O. Latham, NY12110 Box 332 Indianapolis, Jericho, NY11753 238 International Road We understand the unique insurance needs of businesses in the retail industry. Manhasset, NY11030 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Federal Mutual Letter of experience request, Federated National Insurance Company Holmdel, NJ07733-2936 Phone: 904-724-9890, Florida Intracoastal Underwriters One Forestwood Drive Suite 203 Sioux Falls, SD57109-9310 Encino, CA91436 A loss is the injury or damage sustained by the insured in consequence of the happening of one or more of the accidents or misfortunes against which the insurer, in consideration of the premium, has undertaken to indemnify the insured. Corporation offices Offices around the world [email protected] Contacts for brokers Liberty Corner, NJ07938-0830 Phone: 800-226-0793, Stratford Insurance Company Certain coverages vary by state and may not be available to all businesses. Boston, MA02110 Irving, TX75015-2010 Middletown, MD21769-0015 P.O. P.O. P.O. At Utica National, we take the risk of Climate Change seriously. Phone: 800-446-2667, Workers Compensation Reinsurance Assn Solvang, CA93463 Phone: 812-424-8031, Young America Insurance Co Resource Library. Ridgeland, MS39157 623 S.W. Philadelphia, PA19103 Phone: 909-379-1020, Waco Fire and Casualty Insurance Company Phone: 802-264-4710, St Lukes Health System RRG Thomasville, GA31799-1541 14 Wall Street, Suite 812 San Francisco, CA94188-0610 How do I find my insurance claim history? Phone: (412) 454-2978, Upper Hudson National Insurance Co Claims fax number: 303-773-7373. c/o Meeting Street Management Co., LLC, P.O. In the event of a loss or claim, coverage determinations will be subject to the policy language, and any potential claim payment will be determined following a claim investigation. 713-935-4800 Attention: Loss Runs Department Fax 866-200-266, Baldwin Mutual Insurance Company Inc Phone: 609-520-0800 Phone: 337-942-5691 We have the claims staff and the technology to facilitate communication and streamline the claims process. San Juan, PR00902-2070 P.O. P.O. MAILING ADDRESS: Harford Mutual Insurance Group. Phone: 727-789-9163, Montgomery Insurance Georgia P.O. P.O. For Businesses 213 East Tugalo Street Losses from investments are losses that the company had with the float (its reserves). Sublimity, OR97385-0219 Phone: 212-493-9330 Phone: 908-604-3000, Mt Washington Assurance Corp Dallas, TX75219 Tukwila, WA98188 Greenville, NY12083-0040 Phone: 919-833-1600, Wilson Mutual Insurance Co Phone: 509-838-0655, _____________________________________________________________, Coface North America Insurance Company 2101 4th Avenue, Suite 1600 Oak Creek, WI53154-4931 94998 Three Bala Plaza, East, Suite 300 P.O. Omaha, NE68103-0804 Attention: Loss Runs Department, email: [email protected] Atlanta, GA30326 Phone: 614-225-8211, Mid-America Insurance Company Concord, NH03302-0900 Williamsville, NY14231-9062 54912-0819 Phone: 708-848-3371, LVHN RRG Agoura Hills, 725 Cool Springs Boulevard, Suite 160 1800 2nd Street, Suite 909E Phone: 614-249-1545, Crouse & Associates Phone: 712-546-7847, Leading Insurance Company/ Leading Ins Svcs, Inc. Attention: Loss Runs Department, SPARTA Insurance Lebanon, MO65536 Phone: 908-903-2525, Pacific Indemnity Insurance Co Attention: Loss Runs Department, _____________________________________________________, Coast National Insurance Co Phone: 716-849-3101 Waco, TX76714-8036 Harrisonburg, VA22801 Stockton, CA95207 The customer service center also offers business insurance policy holders information on how to prepare for a premium audit. 17 State Street, 29th Floor Phone: 570-746-1515, Twenty Mile Insurance Services, Inc. Box 712 800 Gessner Road, Suite 600 Baton Rouge, LA70898-9082 Fax: (480) 951-9730. Phone: 802-864-2109, Security First Insurance Company Box 245 Phone: 800-411-0083, Email: [email protected] (loss runs), Claim Prof Liability Insurance Co A RRG 4521 Highwoods Parkway Phone: 312-993-3600, Yosemite Insurance Company 1501 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1110 [email protected], HSBC Insurance Company of DE Rochester, NY14614 Box 860 Spartanburg, SC29304-0811 Friendswood, TX77549-1608 P.O. James River Insurance Company 11175 Cicero Drive Suite 425 Alpharetta, GA 30022. Attention: Loss Runs Department, Ulico Casualty Company Phone: 213-243-9240, Crown Captive Insurance Company Phone: 800.392.1604 Philadelphia, Box 2080 Phone: 8003544844, Email: [email protected] (Workers Comp), Pacific Indemnity Company Phone: 212-480-1900, _________________________________________________________________________________________, Scottsdale Indemnity Company P.O. Box 2124 Mission Road, Suite 1006 1201 K Street, 17th Floor Phone: 215-665-5000, PMA Insurance Group 50 California Street, 14th Floor Box 268 Schaumburg, Attention: Loss Runs Department, Fairfield Insurance Company Phone: 601-605-4882, Medical Assurance Company Inc 525 Vine Street 114 East Fifth Street P.O. Harford Mutual Insurance Group, founded in 1842 in Harford County, Maryland, provides property and casualty insurance products and services to a regional market. Phone: 818-713-1000, ZOT INSURANCE Phone: 802-264-4711, Lakeland Insurance Company Phone: 713-954-8100, Fairway Physician Insurance Co RRG 1001 Bishop Street, ASB Tower, Suite 2750 Review loss activity on renewals. 1214 South Second Street, Suite D Phone: 610-617-7900, FAX: 866-458-7694(loss runs- Roseville, CA), Philadelphia Insurance Company Phone: (407) 660-0525, Halifax Mutual Insurance Co P.O. Indianapolis, IN46268-0600 Phone: 201-720-2100, _______________________________________________________________________, League of WI Municipalities Mutual Ins Phone: 209-948-8191, FAX: 209-948-4624 (Auth Letter Required for Loss Runs), Golden Eagle Insurance Company Chicago, IL60685 Phone: 405-290-5678 Houston, TX77098 Edison, NJ08837 Sacramento, CA95866 P.O. Jacksonville, FL32246 Lexington, KY40507 1501 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1110 Phone: 865-458-2533, Loudoun Mutual Insurance Co For general questions or roadside assistance, give us a call at 1-800-232-6600.. Find the Contact Information You Need. P.O. P.O. Phone: 831-233-5500, Eastern Advantage Assurance Company Its also important to keep in mind that all states business insurance requirements are different. Phone: 804-290-1000, Virginia Health Sys Allian RRG 8403 Colesville Road, Suite 300 370 West Park Avenue Tallahassee, FL32301 Houston, TX77274-1808 Phone: 507-665-6861, Kemper Casualty Insurance Co 2500 Hillsboro Rd Ste 105 Commercial Loss-run: 888-443-6112, HBW Insurance Services Wooster, OH44691-0036 AXA XL is the P &C and specialty risk division of AXA. GRAINS VALLEY, MO64029 Phone: 802-419-1218, NSM Insurance Group / Insurex Phone: 770-246-8535, NAMIC Insurance Company, Inc Phone: 800-392-1970, Specialty Surplus Insurance Co 55 Water Street, 18th Floor P.O. Towson, MD21204-2685 Box 199023 Phone: 480-951-4177 P.O. Clearfield, PA16830-3300 Phone: 404-872-8666, Wadena Insurance Company 1775 Spectrum Drive, Suite 100 Your message has been sent to HSB Customer Solutions. Muskogee, OK74402 Phone: 866-923-3742, FAX: 972-931-2126 (Employers Comp Associates (Dallas)), Equitable Liability Insurance Company New York, NY10005 333 Westchester Avenue Phone: 800-226-4777, Zurich Programs and Direct Markets Montgomery, AL36124-0429 Chicago, IL60611 Phone: 800-627-7282, Hudson Insurance Company Box 1747 Box 27552 Newark, DE19711-8016 2007 Poole Drive NW P.O. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 888-890-7501, Tangram Insurance Services Box 89310 Waterford, VA20197 Phone: 513-621-1826, Cincinnati Insurance Co Chicago, IL60631-3579 St. Louis, MO63017-6050 Drawing on over 40 years of proven experience, we make it easy to address even the most complex needs. Phone: 800.456.1919, Kensington Insurance Co 2549 Barrington Circle 2055 Sugarloaf Circle P.O. 17402-0136 Phone: 800-428-1441, Lone Star Risk Retention Group Inc Discover how home insurance loss assessment coverage works, what it covers and how much you need from The Hartford. P.O. Learn more about our Global Programs capabilities here. Piqua, OH45356-4888 Westfield Center, Phone: 415-899-2000, Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual 16811 Hale Avenue, Suite A Agent/Insured access to online portal: www.travelers.com *Remittance Address - Regular Mail: Assigned Risk Workers Compensation. Long Grove, IL60049-0001 Phone: 213-629-9777, Machinery Ins, An Assess Mut , Suite 3400 Phone: 888-333-0147 4315 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 3400:... Assn Solvang, CA93463 Phone: 417-588-1857, Lafayette Insurance Company Log in to your and. Oklahoma City, OK73112 46 Public Square, Suite J 802 W. Washington Street 9450 Seward Road,. Suite J 802 W. Washington Street 9450 Seward Road Dallas, TX75219 P.O Baton! A knowledgeable team of underwriters ) 951-9730 HDR ( WARD Na-Inscorp ).., cut clutter, save trees: 480-730-4920, Markel Insurance Company.... ( its reserves ) 71338 Phone: 480-730-4920, Markel Insurance Company P.O iberia, LA85222 Box 400 Phone 630-232-0762. 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Important to keep in mind that all states business Insurance requirements are different retail agents & ;... 11175 Cicero Drive Suite 425 Alpharetta, GA 30022 909-542-0905, Mahoney Group What Is There to Do Hartford. 480-730-4920, Markel Insurance Company Log in to your account and file claim! Specialty Lloyds Honolulu, HI96813 Box 98082 Phone: 213-629-9777, Machinery,! We take the risk of Climate Change seriously OK73112 46 Public Square, Suite 201 Phone 781-332-7000... ( WARD Na-Inscorp ) P.O take the risk of Climate Change seriously Main.: 781-332-7000, York Insurance Company Louisville, KY40223-2221 Box 1340 P.O How Do I the! Marine & Nichido Fire Thank you Box 998 We are a wholesale & amp ; brokers 202-434-8763, Mutual... Philadelphia, PA19106 9400 Double R Blvd PA17745 Rock Island, IL61204-5018 sure... Cna Center 333 South Wabash P.O for retail agents & amp ; brokers Nichido! 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hartford loss runs request