Using the Mudae bot is very easy and the commands are very simple and easy to understand. Multiplayer games, compete for waifus / husbandos, catch pokmon and other weird stuff. How to add Mudae bot on your discord server? $imaq! Change the exact minute of the claim and rolls reset. The list which will have the most popular points with the 15 wides will be the most popular on the server. Use $antidisablelist ($adl) to see your list of antidisabled characters, Use $antienable ($ae) to remove characters from your $antidisablelist (or $aeall for all), Use $antidisabledel ($add) to autodelete your $ad command, You can enable specific characters or series with $antidisable, You can disable specific series with $disable (the same amount of characters are enabled if you go below the limits mentioned above). w (waifu), h (husbando), wh (both genders), w= (waifu without both genders), h= (husbando without both genders), g (game), g- (animanga), gg- (both), g= (game only), g-= (animanga only), a (series list), a+ (series names), b (series bundles), p (character search if you type some text), s (DM). $im
mudae bot tips